Lifes Adventures


Length: 10.1 miles (one way)   Trail Use: Moderate
Difficulty: More Difficult    Open To: 4WD, OHV, Biking, Hiking,
Beginning Elevation: 9,319 ft.   Ending Elevation: 9,308 ft.
Elevation Gain: - 11 ft.    USGS Map(s): Red Cliff, Pando

Access from Vail:
South End: From I-70, take Exit 171 for Minturn and Hwy. 24. Turn right and continue south on Hwy. 24 approximately 17 miles to Road #702 (at north end of Camp Hale immediately after crossing a bridge over the railroad tracks), turn left. Reset odometer here.
North End (Reverse Trip): From I-70, take Exit 171 for Minturn and Hwy. 24. Turn right and continue south on Hwy. 24 for 10 miles to the Red Cliff access road on the left, immediately before crossing the historic green expansion bridge over the Eagle River. This road will lead into Red Cliff and to Shrine Pass Road #709. Turn left onto Shrine Pass Road and follow 2.5 miles to Wearyman Road #747 on your right. Follow Wearyman about 0.7 miles to the inersection with FSR 708 on the right.

Trail Highlights:
From the South End, after turning off US Hwy 24 and resetting odometer, travel a very short distance, turn right following sign for FS 702. Bear left across small earthen bridge at 0.5 miles. Turn left at a T interesection where 714 goes right. Immediately turn left again onto McCallister Gulch Road—FS 708 at 1.1 miles. Bear right at 1.9 miles and 2.4 miles. The road is narrow and steep in places. The worst section is at 5.5 miles, which shouldn’t be attempted when the road is muddy. At 6.0 miles you reach the high point where a steep road to the right takes a short side trip to the top of Resolution Mountain with great views. After this side road, you will soon see Mt. of the Holy Cross ahead. Continue down to Wearyman Road—FSR 747 where you can turn left to get to Shrine Pass Road after several creek crossings, or turn right to do the Wearyman Road—FSR 747 to Resolution Road—FSR 702 and create a loop trip.