Length: 6.9 miles (one way)                     Trail Use: Moderate

Difficulty: More Difficult                             Open To: Hiking, Horseback

Beginning Elevation: 8,006 ft.                 Ending Elevation: 9,797 ft.

Elevation Gain: +1791 ft.                           USGS Map(s): Minturn


Access from Vail : Travel west from Vail on I-70 to Exit 171 for Minturn. Exit here and head south on US 24 for about 2.3 miles to the south edge of Minturn. After you pass the Battle Mountain Trading Post, turn right on a dirt road just before a blue house. The trail starts up the hill at the end of the drive.

Private property surrounds the trailhead; please respect the owner’s rights.

Trail Highlights :
  The trail climbs steadily as it follows an old road through aspen and then lodge pole.   The trail passes the remains of several old cabins and offers good views of Cross Creek Valley and Mount of the Holy Cross. At about 6 miles, hikers can turn right onto the Grouse Mtn Connector Trail #2010 toward West Grouse Creek Trail #2129 or continue left toward Cross Creek Trail #2006.

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